Introducing ibericode

It's been nearly two years since the first release of the MailChimp for WordPress plugin, and it's been a crazy ride. We've surpassed one million downloads, there are over 200k active installs and the team has grown by a few hands. A whopping 367 users have left us a 5-star rating. It's safe to say we can be proud of all the accomplishments.

But it's not just the MailChimp for WordPress plugin that we develop and give support on. There are quite a few others, and it's high time you knew about them. Scroll Triggered Boxes is growing by the day, in both downloads and improvements. And since it's not just Danny in the "Danny van Kooten" team any more, a change of name seemed fitting.

We've thought long and hard on what this overarching name should be. In the end, ibericode was chosen because it combines the love the team bears for both good food (the Iberico pig is very yummy) and well-written code. And don't worry: the name might have changed, but we will continue to give you the level of support that you're used to receiving from us.

With a new name also comes a brand spanking new logo and a mascot we've lovingly called Rico.

ibericode mascot

Do you like him as much as we do? We'd love to hear your opinion!

In the coming weeks, we'll be adding quite a few things. There will be blogs that will help you get the most out of our plugins, new features that we can't wait to tell you about and maybe even a contest… You never know!

PS. If you'd like to stay updated of our work & related ramblings, do follow us on Twitter: @ibericode.